NE Perl Projects:
NE BBS is an Atari 8-bit ATASCII and full color DOS ANSI BBS telnet server written in Perl. Depending on which system you connect from will determine what the connection type will be. Back end for the Message Bases Echomail areas and Netmail are handled by the NE BBS Rest API. Message bases echomail areas can also be accessed via the web from the NE BulletinBoard Website.
Initial Release Date: 02/2024
Last Release Date: 12/20/2024
Full Details can be found here: Here
NE BBS API is a REST web service that handles message related tasks for the BBS. These include posting new echomail messages, importing and parsing received echomail, sending netmail, receving netmail, message searching, and storage of all messages to the web postgres database. It can be seen as the bridge between the BBS and the NE BulletinBoard Website.
Initial Release Date: 02/2024
Last Release Date: 12/20/2024
Full Details can be found here: Here
NE DiscApp Listserv - Defunct
The DiscApp 'Listserv' project replaces the now defunct DiscApp Notifier
Java project. The original Notification service was a bit a hacked together backend server app that required a wake up ping around the
time of subscription emails being sent out. It also only sent subscription based emails and relied on database or physical config file
values to format the outbound emails. All other outbound emails were still handled by the main web server. I ended up migrating that
functionality to the main web server sometime around October 2022.
Enter this project, the NE DiscApp Listserv around 06/2023. Basically the whole purpose of this project was to consolidate all outbound
emails under one single backend server application that didn't require any wake up pings or database connections. This server does use an
internal REST API with the main web server to gather what to send but the actual emails are generated using its own internal template processor.
Each email has its own template file that is then processed for each outgoing message to the proper output.
All in all, it's a much nicer to deal with set up than the mix of Notifier service and main server sending emails or all the emails getting
sent out of the main web server in a hacked in expanded emailing functionality.
GitHub Project Link: Currently private. May make public down the road.
Initial Release Date: 06/2023
Last Release Date: 08/03/2023
Web Site Log Scaper
This is another backend server helper application for the main forum site. This one runs on a cron job that scrapes the tomcat logs of the
main forum site to gather stats on how long requests take and what pages are being accessed. No personally identifiable information is gathered.
This cronjob basically is just for me to see what URLs are poorly performing or which ones are getting traffic. The scaped date is then used
in the Forum Stats website.
GitHub Project Link: Currently private. May make public down the road.
Initial Release Date: 04/2023
Latest Release Date: 07/10/2023
RPG Gfx Alpha Demo
This is a remake of the RPG NET Alpha graphics demo in the C++ section from 2006 using the Perl SDL library.
I guess it's not so much as a project but just a download (will move later). There's not really much more to it. I recrated the original RPG NET Graphics
demo I wrote in C++ back in 2006 in Perl. It actually runs better than the original and has better collision detection though getting the module dependencies installed
were a bit of a pain.
Side by Side images
C++ | Perl |
Video comparing the two:
First is the unedited C++ version, then is the Perl version. Each time I start the Perl version, I add more enemies until the frame rate almost hits zero.
GitHub Project Link: Currently private. May make public down the road.
Forum Post with screenshots, video, and more info: Link
Initial Release Date: 04/2023
Latest Release Date: 04/2023
This is sort of a remake of the RPG_Net 2.0 C++ project. I say sort of being that this one is much
more complete so far. It has a server and client applications. The game is a top view ASCII action RPG that resembles a Roguelike game but gameplay more in the
same vein as Zelda but with multiple players.
So far, there's a world with a few screens in which multiple players can join and then walk around in. They can also chat with other players. Needless to
say there's a ton of work to still do... will it get done? Who knows.
GitHub Project Link: Here
Initial Start Date: 08/2022
Latest Update: 09/30/2022