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Note: These files do not have a grade due to their age. They are all about equal in their uselessness. Here for legacy/archiving purposes only. All files are either Win32 console or DOS platforms.
Data Base v1.0
A DOS Data Base program that is more or less just a phone book. It takes the person's first and last name and then takes their area code and phone number. After all the information is entered it displays it in a neat, readible way. Unfortunatly due to file saving and creating problems (aka my inexperience at the time I wrote this), I was unable to include a way to save your data base.
Equal Fill v0.5
Well, this program takes the total value of a user entered amount and splits it into 2 containers. Then graphs it out. It's pretty pointless but if you want to check it out you can. Originally it was going to allow you to adjust the values but my inexperience at the time kept me from keeping it in this version .
NE Editor v1.0.0.223
This is a simple Dos based text editor. In this program you can create and view ".ne" files. ".ne" files are plain text files with the .ne extension, which was more a less a bad idea at the time but I'm not about to go and change it years later. In this version, paragraphs and suchs are a little annoying and as of now you can only create and view files in the editors folder.
Bar Chart v1.0
This program is just like the Java counterpart. It gets a user inputed amount of bars, and their values then displays them. It also gives the total of all the entered bar chart values. IMO this one came out better than the Java one. Source, and Exe included.
Simple Mad Lib Program
This is my first C++ program, it's another Mad Lib program. (see Qbasic downloads). It's a lot shorter and it's basically me just testing out the new programming environment. It's about a paragraph in length. It's worth the short download. (in exe form)
NEC v2.0
NEC stands for Nukem Enterprises Calculator, and that's just what this program is. It's a simple C++ created DOS calculator. In v2 I fixed the problem of only being to add 2 numbers along with the quit error. I also added a much more user friendly setup of the whole program.

download v1.0