This is a project I'm working on with a couple of kids from school. I've been mostly working on the
networking backend behind the program but I've also been digging into the graphics engine a little bit. The
name of this project is completely temporary, I just made that up so I had something to call my folders. :P
The screen shot above is a take from the really basic graphics engine I threw together this afternoon
(4/3/06). I used the same player image as the one from the now defunct Millenium Crisis (just shrunk down a
lot). Well the project is going to be a multiplayer rpg (whether it's MMO or just MUD is undecided yet) where
you can play with friends and such. It's going to be really simple, we're just doing this project mostly for a
learning experience. More information as it progresses...
Platform: Linux/Win32 (SDL based so far)
RELEASE DATE: Unknown, only in Pre-Alpha/Alpha developement stage...
NE File Editor - Application |
This is a file editor that you can edit files and run a console for easy compilation and program/script editing.
I'm thinking about making it a multi-file editor for even more ease to use. The current screen shot is of 12-1-05 and it's
showing the file editor working, the console path working, and an xterm open (an external console program).
I'm not going to have an imbedded console program b/c all operating systems come with one and you can just use that one.
Click the image for a larger view.
Platform: Linux X server only
RELEASE DATE: Released! (In the C++ files section)
Millenium Crisis - Survival/Action |
(from engine demo)
This is a mix between the old QBasic game idea I had for Millenium Crisis and a hint of Terror in the gameplay. Basically this game takes place on the Streets of a city infested w/ zombies. The whole game is spent killing and running away from zombies as you try to conserve ammo and health. There are puzzles to figure out too (well maybe.. depends on if i want to program it) There's a story too.. but I'm not releasing any info on it or where you go from the city streets.
Platform: Win32
DEMO: Basic Engine Demo available at the C++ files section.
RELEASE DATE: This project is offically dead until further notice, I'm not really in the mood to do any game programming as of now.
RPG (temp name) - RPG |
This is a hybrid between Shining Force and regular classic RPG's. I'm saying that because it's mostly town, battle, town, battle... etc, like the Shining Force games, but it's turn based like classic RPG's. It's sorta hard to explain, once I get pictures up and a demo you'll see it works very nicely.
I've decided not to use the original source because it's so old and sloppy, I've restarted from scratch and the game is coming along nicely. I'm thinking I want to do the game using SDL for graphics so it'll look nice like the Millenium Crisis demo does. Not sure on it yet though because of the insane overhaul on the engine I'd have to do.
Platform: Linux, Win32
RELEASE DATE: Unknown. Currently a dead file. :P
Wry 3.3 - Action/Comedy |

Well, it's been a long time and I've finally decided to work on Wry 3
again. Yes I know it's been in production for a good 4 years now but
I was just playing around with using sprites and graphics and got a very
nice little engine going. The code is a lot cleaner too. Let's hope I
can actually get this version out!
Current screenshots:(here) (click the space)
Old screenshots:(Here)
Platform: DOS
RELEASE DATE: Soon I promise! (2/26/06)
DEMO [9-28-04]: In files section (that took long enough...)
OLD DEMO [1-15-02]: In files section
Hellbent: Action/RPG |
This is an action RPG I've been working on. It's a top view ASCII game. The basic idea of the gameplay is that you pick one of three types of characters (Fighter, Mage, Archer), enter a level and fight your way to the boss. Beat the boss and move on. Well there's ore to it then that, there's a story line and a save system. Each class also has very different abilities. It may sound a little "iffy" but if you played it you'd be surprised at how addicting it really is. "Just 100 EXP to the level 35! c'mon!"
Platform: DOS
RELEASE DATE: Unknown, ~75% done but is currently inactive.
DEMO: In files section
Terror - Fear the Unknown: Survival Horror |
This is a survival horror qbasic game, quite possibly the first. The story is sorta simple. You an your friends are camping.. you doze off and when you wake up all you friends are dead except one, who is standing over you wielding a mighty axe. Running through the woods you make it to a deserted mansion. You run in a door and lock it behind you... You friend fevorously bangs on the door.. eventually gives up, but there is a crash of glass from a room ahead. In this game you must solve puzzles and avoid being your crazed friends next victim. It's displayed in fixed camera angle perspective. Expect a demo soon.
Platform: DOS
RELEASE DATE: NEVER, lost the source code in a hard drive crash.
None - as of yet. |
Err, maybe I'll work on one some day. :)