Multiplication Education Program v3 |
This is a cool project I had to do for my Computer Science class. It was fun to make and it's pretty cool to use. It asks you how many questions you want to ask and then asks you that amount of multiplication questions (random of course). After that you get a percentage display screen of the amount correct, wrong and percent correct. Check it out if you want.
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Java Bar Graph v1.0 |
This program is basically the same as the C++ counterpart. The C++ version is set up neater and with more error detections. This version still works fine if you want to download it. The JOptionPane's make the program look more user friendly though.
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Nukem Enterprises Java Average Program ver 1.0 |
This program calculates the average of whatever amount of numbers you would like to enter. If as if the rediculous long (and unoriginal) name didn't give it away. It's the first official Java program I've created outside of school. It's not great and it has cancel errors, worth a try though...