General Help
Nukem Enterprises

NE Archive


General Help

This website should be easy enough to navigate. To move about the site, just use the navigation links on the left side to get place to place. To contribute information please use the correct form underneath the "Contribution" stub. More information regarding that can be found here.

News: This section contains information regarding website updates. Here you will find information when projects have been worked on or any type of information, be it files or other, has been added to the website.

Projects: This section contains information on both Nukem Enterprises' projects as well as projects be done by visitors of this website. The area has broken these groups into two main sections. Each section is broken down further by programming language. NE projects have a second page for each project giving further information and possibly more screenshots of the current progress. Visitor projects contain a possible screenshot, a description and, if possible, a website containing more information about it.

Files: This is the true "Meat and Potatoes" of the website. Here you will find programs and source codes, broken down by programming language, by visitors and by myself. NE files have a few screenshots to scroll through, where visitor files are not guaranteed to have a screenshot. (Unless requested).

About: The about section contains information about how this website has become what it is today and a short history of what it used to be. It's an interesting trip down memory lane.

Links: Every site has a links section right? Well, at least they used to. Here you will find a nice selection of links to user submitted websites as well as a few of my own favorites. I'll try to keep them in alphabetical order, but there's no guarantees on that. :P

NE Archive: The NE Archive is an little interesting part of this site. This section contains fully operational previous versions of this website that date back to it's creation. There's at least one archived website for each design layout. In this section you will also find interesting noteworthy forum posts that have also been archived.

Contact: This section has a form which you can fill out to contact me personally about any complaints, dead links, or anything else you'd think I'd like to know about whatever's on your mind. Important/Interesting contact requests will end up posted on the FAQ section of the website. For most cases, you can contact me via the Forums.

Community News: This is the news where not website specific news goes. News that people submit that doesn't directly relate the the NE website will go here. For example, someone opens up a new website and they're starting a project called "The Thing", it would be posted there.

Editorials: This contains peoples "opinion articles" or interesting information they would like to discuss in detail. There's a a whole myraid of information that could be posted there. Think of it as, "More in-depth news".

Forums: The forums are great. They've been around since the creation of this website. Here is probably the most busy section you'll find on this site. We have the original basic forums which are still up and kicking, and then also the newer forums which are the nicer PHP based forums that most sites have these days. The new forums require registration where the old one does not.

Contribute: Here you can contribute almost anything you want. For more information on how to contribute different things, please go to the Contribution Help Page. For that reason, I'm not going to go into more detail here.

Help: This is where you are now. This section, incase you haven't already gathered, displays help about various sections of the site. General Help gives you an overview of the site, Contribution help gives you detailed information about how to contribute different types of information, and the FAQ (or frequently asked questions) is exactly that.
All material created by Erik unless otherwise noted. I take no responsibility for the views and the actions of the visitors to this website.