Links: E-mail me if you want your link posted. (shamrice@optonline.net) |
Pete's Qbasic Site
This is a very well known Qbasic site... and for some reason he randomly added my link to his website. I'm a huge fan of the site so I figured I would return the favor. Anything you EVER need on Qbasic can be found at this amazing web site. Check it out.
Uncreative Labs
Uncreative labs is an awesome site if you need support for you IBM
PC/XT. (for those of us that still have them) It also hosts an amazing
web forum for tech support for any computer from the 486 and below.
As you could probably tell, I'm a huge fan of ASCII based graphic games. They're easier to write therefore letting you spend more
time on gameplay, don't require a specific PC to run, and let's your imagination create the world (like a book does). This site is
created by two people who are exactly the same way. Very interesting technical/philisophical website.
Bloodshed Software
Has a lot of good C++ programs and also Delphi. They're also the creators of one of the best free C++ IDE's out there (if not THE best). The site, if you ask me, gives you a false idea of what the sites about...
This is just and awesome site for when you need help w/ programming in general.. or almost anything else for that matter. I'm a huge fan of it. But then again.. you could always just ask your programming questions here.. *hint* *hint*
Puckdropper's Place
This is a really cool web site. It's puckdropper's, it has some Qbasic
but is more (IMO) a computer page.. it's really good, check it out! Becareful though, he knows all.... Even what you're doing right now.
This site has a lot of useful information on C programming language. There are files and tutorials (no matter if your a first timer or not!) and also challenges. A really good C programming resource for anyone looking for information on the language.
Dom's Page
Good ol' Retna's page. It's more of a personal site than a programming site, but that's ok. I still like it.. or maybe it's just the fact he finally has a web site again. Eitherway, check it out. He has his dreams up so you can really see what a looney he is. jk jk.
Top Gun Software
Ah, well a used to be great programmer. saddly, he's gone for good. he still has a great archive. damnit Top Gun! you didn't release SC3D!!!! Well,the first two are still great.
This is borland's official web site. They are the creators of one of the most famous C++ compiler, which if you
want you can purchase there. You can also get a free copy of JBuilder (Java comiler) there. (what I create my Java programs on).
Three Piece Suit (my band's
site) (N/A) |
This my current band. We're a Ska band and we actually play shows!! haha. But seriously. Check us out and tell me what you think. The site has show info, merch, music, and probably more by the time you read this. I'm the bass player btw.
Three Piece Suit Music
Server (N/A) |
This is just another area of this site, but it's dedicated to TPS so I'm
putting it in the links section. Here you can find and download all
music we've ever recorded. (From the early begining to brand spankin
new) Enjoy!