About Nukem Enterprises: |
Nukem Enterprises is a company of one, me. I'm currently a student at SUNY Farmingdale majoring in Computer Programming/Info Systems. I created this site way back when I was in 8th grade and have been updating it an working on it ever since. Under this company allias I create C++, Qbasic and Java programs (not so much anymore) and games and post them up, among other things. I'm currently programming for both Win32 and Linux platforms (all 100% free software). I also warmly accept new links, and files that you want me to put up. I started this company under my former company name - Eriksen Inc, and then it evolved to Sublime Inc, and finally Nukem Enterprises, which it's been for quite some time now.
This web site is the home of the "Wry" series, incase you haven't heard of it [or just haven't look through the site all the way], it's a series started a long time ago (prior to the formation of this company) with the original game "Wry". The original name was "Lost" but Groovy Concepts finished their "Lost" project before ours (Sk8er and I), thus getting the name. They where working on it (probably started it too) while Wry 1 was in it's dormant programming stage. The original game was just a regular, but extremely long, text based game full of stupid corny humor. The second was called "Grimace" which was a side view action game that lacked the super corny humor of the first, but it was there. The story was told in after boss conversations, and some between level chatting. Not any of the luxury of picking your destiny. I'm currently working on a whole slew of projects and files that I'll probably never finish. :)
And finally, if anyone would like to help me program any of my projects or help with other things, Email me or ICQ me, help is almost always needed. (I'm no programming rocket scientist ya know.)
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