Here are all the Visual Basic files this site has available for you to download. To download
the file, simply right click the "Download" link of the game/program and select
"Save As". Or you can always just click on it, and if your browser doesn't attempt
to open it in itself, you should get a similar prompt. All programs are written by me unless
otherwise specified.
NE COBOL Editor is a text editor written in Visual Basic 3.0 for editing COBOL source files and related build scripts. I
wrote this for Windows 3.x but it will work on any version of Windows 3.x or greater as long as it's not 64 bit.
Features Include:
Hellbent VB Mini Adventure was programmed in Visual Basic 3.0 on Win3.x in early 2020. It's unfinished in its current state but has most
of the battle system and test overworld programmed. There's also placeholders for the items and magic. This game should work for any
Windows system that's 32bit up until Win10 just as long as it can support the Win16 subsystem. Anyone using a 64bit system will need to
use a virtual machine or something similar to play the game.