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This section contains files that are either early developement versions of later projects or files that just never went anywhere at all. There are no grades for these files because most of them are so unfinished there's no point in grading them. (Or any possible way.) This section is for historical purposes only. I hope you enjoy it!

Files types: - Click to go to that subcategory
C++ files (Linux/Win32)
Qbasic Files (DOS)

Right click the names and select "Save As" to download. Some links go to directory listings when there are multiple files to be downloaded.

C++ programs: Linux/Win32

Platform: Linux
This was an RPG I was working on summer of 2005. I was making a Linux console version of Hellbent. Well sort of. This was going to be an improvement with completely random game play. Each area you entered was genereated randomly. It was going all well until I ported it over to Win32 console and abandoned the project. Here's the source files for the Linux version.

To compile: Switch to the extracted directory and type this at the command prompt. (given you have g++). And then run the "rpg" file you just created.

g++ -o rpg -I/usr/include main.cpp Cenemy.cpp Cdraw.cpp Cplayer.cpp LConsole.cpp

Qbasic programs: DOS

Doomed v0.1 Source
For all of you that don't know, Doomed was a very very very early project of mine back when I first started programming. It was suppose to be a spoof of the original Doom but with just ridiculous Qbasic graphics and such. This is the earliest version of the game I have left. It's from the first day I sat down and did anything with it. There's nothing but a title screen and that's about it. Enjoy!
Doomed v0.2 Source
This is the source to the second demo of Doomed. The game was original a "Doom" clone (before the spoof idea) and that's the name I've given it in this demo. The title screen is actually quite impressive on how close it is to the actual Doom logo. The menus have some options to them, I think there's even a secrets area built in. There's no actual game though in this demo. I hope you enjoy!
Doomed v0.3 Source + others
This is the third and final demo release of Doomed I ever did. I changed the name over to "Doomed" in this version and changed around the colors a bit. The whole program has a nicer feel. There's also a random "hs.dat" and "setup.dat" files that do absolutely nothing. There's also a useless setup.bas that is a fake setup for the game.

NOTE: The link brings you to the folder where you can then download each file
Another version (Qb4.5 format)
Let Me Guess Source
I'm assuming this is the same exact version of Guess that was/is in the files section. I found it on an old floppy disk in my room that's why I'm assuming it may be a "lost file". Enjoy!
Variables Tutorial Source
This is a VERY old tutorial I wrote way back in 1999. It's extremely BASIC (pun intended). I wrote this back before I even knew what I was talking about. You can probably tell this just by actually reading this hunk of garbage. Anyway, here it is in all it's glory after 7 years. (Or more depending on how much time has passed!)
Doors 2000 Demo 3 Source
This is a slightly different version than the one released. I was teamed up with "Optimum Soft" or whatever. He was helping me develope the OS. Actually, he was more just ripped off all my programming and taking credit for himself. His company's "Logo" is displayed in this version but was later taken out in the final version because I noticed exactly what he was doing.
Sublime Inc OS/2 Source
This is the version from when I was going to have JMB (Apocalypse at the time) help me program this. The name has changed from Eriksen Inc. OS/2 to Sublime Inc. OS/2. This reflects the name change of the "company" I was programming under. The source code is a little commented, which is good but the over all "Sloppiness" is still there. :P
OS 911 (Doors 2000 rip-off)
This is the Optimum Soft version of my Doors "OS". He didn't actually do anything except completely take all credit for my work in every way, shape, and form. I just posted this so everyone can see why it's not always a good idea to trust people. I was young and stupid at the time and I regret it now that I'm older. (I looked like a fool.)

In anycase, don't run the setup files. It attempts to change the clock time in your CMOS settings. It's using a Pheonix bios program and will probably mess up peoples computers pretty bad if they run it.

Eriksen Inc OS/2 Source
This is the early version of Doors 2000, back when it was still called Eriksen Inc. OS/2. It's basically the same exact thing as the demo used to be that was posted in the old files section. I decided to include the source so you can see how horrible it was programmed. :P
Eriksen Inc. OS/2 Word Processor Source
This is a Word Processing program I was apparently writing for Eriksen Inc/OS (or Doors 2000). It doesn't work all and you have to comment out almost every option before it will even display anything. It's just a cool view of what could have been. (probably not.)
I managed to get a copy of this open. It's the copy I added to the bottom of this box. It's saved in Qb4.5 format (I'm still not sure about the original though). It's not a Doors program it's more or less an "About me" in program form. The input isn't done correctly though and everything falls through. Not all that interesting...

Qb4.5 format
Doors 2000 - Screen Savers
This is the source code the the screen savers in Doors 2000. They were created by Marcus Ortiz. He made the program and then modified it specifically for the Doors project. It's quite impressive.
Terror - Pre Demo Source
This is an extremely old version of Terror. Back when I was undecided between "To be or Not to be" and "Fear the Unknown". (I gave it to a vote which it should be). In this version I didn't even start the actual game. It's just the menus and such. It also has an extremely old ASCII "stats" screen hidden in it. Quite strange....
Terror - Demo Source
This is the source code of the original demo that was/is released in the files section of the website. I believe I only included the compiled version of the program (which runs a lot faster). If anyone cares to see what's going on behind the scenes in that ancient demo, here ya go!
Terror - Post Demo Source (pre-new)
This is the version of Terror after the demo was released. I actually programmed in another hallway and another room. (bedroom.) The bedroom had a closet with a secret staircase that would bring you up to the second floor. (This is where I stopped.) I managed to find a version of the game with these areas still intact. This is the furthest the old version of terror ever got. There's also a new "Secret Mode" option in the main menu that does nothing.
Terror - Room drawing Source (new ver)
This is all that's left of the new version of Terror. The rest of it is still stuck in a bad sector on the floppy disk where I extracted this from. I used 2 files when I was programming that game. I had this file so I could draw rooms right away without having to travel through the whole game to see where my lines were being drawn. After I drew it here I would copy it over into the actual game. This was the last room I was working on. (Upstairs hallway door after the stairs collapsed. [about 1/2 through the game]).
Wry v0.2 (early beta)
This is a pre-beta-alpha-mega-gamma release of Wry 1 that I found rotting on my computer. It's completely untouched. (As you can see by the "date modified" of 2/15/1999) and a snapshot of the program at that point in developement. It is still going by the old title of "Lost".
Wry v0.311 (late beta)
This is probably one of the more interesting Wry 1 (Lost) source codes. It's version 0.311. This one has all the regular 3 episodes (Unfinished) and as the reward for winning you get a preview of the "Lost 2 Demo". There's nothing past the menu in the demo but it was a cool idea. Just to give you a heads up it's saved in Qb4.5 format.
Wry v0.412 (late pre-release)
This is the version of Wry JUST before it was released. I mean like maybe a 1/2 an hour to an hour. I remember programming it at my kitchen table. This was basically my "beta testing" version before I spit out the final release. This stage of development was extremely rushed so I'm sure there's not many (if any) changes from the final version of Wry except the version number on the title screen. Don't quote me on that though.
Zelda Source
This is the source code to my first released program, "Zelda". It's the same as the compiled version in the files section, this is just the source of that. Enjoy!
Animation Thingy - Source
This is another one of Eriksen Inc's (Nukem Enterprises's) first files. It's a stupid animation thing I made that was actually in the files section for a number of years. It was in binary only though. I managed to find a copy of the source for your viewing pleasure. (It's pretty crude output and the source is no better!).
Blazin Fire - Source
This was a somewhat on going project of mine. I was motivated back when Retna released his "Jared Subway adventure" and was determined to make a graphical side action game. (Compared to all my ASCII text games of the past). The source file crashed for me before the title screen when I ran it. It did a pre-graphics load and completed that just fine though. If I remember correctly I did manage to get to the title screen way back when on my old 486... Anyway, this project died because at the time it was wayyyyyyy too far out of my league. (I had no idea what I was even typing. :P)
Nov DOS - Source
I started working on a command prompt based "OS", I should more accurately say "shell" for DOS in qbasic shortly after the Doors project failed. This is a very basic command prompt that doesn't actually do anything except run commands pre-programmed within itself. (It doesn't actually see out onto your computer). I found 2 versions of the source but I can't test either b/c they're both in Qbasic 7.1 format.
Nov DOS old version Source
Time Waster - Source
Yet another very early Eriksen Inc (Nukem Enterprises) program. This one slowly counts up to two minutes and then displays a very obnoxious message at the end. The only difference from this file and the one rotting on the old website is that the message is signed "NukemNOW" instead of "Eriksen Inc.". Other than that it's the same garbage.
Lead Man (screen shots)
Ah, Lead Man. This was going to be the NE platform game of the year for me. Too bad I had no idea how to program such a thing (and continued to have no idea until Grimace 1-2 years later! =-o!) I lost the source when my old 486's hard drive crashed but I found screen shots of it sitting on my GeoCities account. I posted them here because the game was actually pretty decent looking for being a "1st year" NE program. :)
This was the first Qbasic program I've ever really written. Well, atleast the first that manifested into something. (Even if it is a whole lot of nothing. :P) I was trying to make a skateboarding game, and obviously I didn't know really what I was doing. This is the executable (the source is long gone) and it only has a title screen and a menu. Everything past that was way beyond my capabilities at the time. Good just for historic purposes.
There are some more but I'm debating if they're worth posting...